As promised (or close to as promised) here is a pic of Mac Birthday present from me (well one of them). I cross stitched his favorite phrase from his favorite movie, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". I think its kind of funny and he really seemed to like it. It funny because Mac genuinely works the quote into conversations, which is seemingly impossible but my man is a clever one. I don't think I like the frame though.
Monday was Cross Country Craft Day II - Revenge of the Crafts. Melissa was pretty productive. On my end the crafts won the battle, as I did not produce a single thing, not even dinner (mmm chinese take out). I did determine that my sewing machine doesn't work (or at least I don't know how to work it), and that it's easy to get your thumb smashed if you arent being carefull while fiddling with a sewing machine. I spent the whole day in a funk (deep depression/crying) and was begining to think I had completely lost my mind until i found this website . It turns out that the new medicine I am taking can have that side effect in the first two weeks, but for the majority of people it goes away and is well worth it.
Ahh and now on to my dissapointment. Today I was scheduled to take my driving test and get my license. I was nervous but confident that I woudl pass the test since coach has had me drive out to gainesville and run the test several times now and I have "passed" every time. Well the weather is kind of shitty today and coach called and cancelled, but we did reschedule for friday. I hate when things dont work out they way you planned (I was going to get my license and maybe take lunch/dinner to my husband since he has his figure drawing workshop til late tonite, and then I was going to go to michael's and get thread for my new cross stitch project) but you have to roll with the punches.
Oh, on a happier note, today is my 60th day of not smoking.
here are the stats peeps:
Time Smoke-Free: 60 days, 9 hours, 4 minutes and 31 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 483
Lifetime Saved: 3 days, 16 hours
Money Saved: $123.60
So I get to do something to celebrate, not too expensive but not free either (mama didn't raise no fool). Any suggestions?
1 comment:
Buy a sewing machine. The webcam is here so we can have online sewing class!
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